Recurring Monthly Unlimited (12 month) | - Access to unlimited classes
- 10% off all boutique items
- 10% off all special events and workshops
- Early Bird registration for special events and workshops
| 12 months | $90.00/month** | $7.50 |
4 Classes per month | - Access to 4 classes per month
- 10% off all boutique items
- 10% off all special events and workshops
| 12 months | $60.00/month** | $15.00 |
30 Days Unlimited (one-time purchase) | - Access to limited classes for 30 days
| 30 days | $75.00/month** | $12.50 |
10 Pack Drop-in Classes | - Access to 10 classes on regular schedule
- Not valid for special events or workshops
| Expires 6 months from date of purchase | $150.00** | $15.00 |
Single Drop-in Pass | - Access to 1 class on regular schedule
- Not valid for special events or workshops
| Expires 1 year from date of purchase | $20.00** | $20.00 |